Highly Agitated

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Nick Saban, head coach of the Miami Dolphins, turned down a dinner invitation with Dubya because it's the start of training camp and Saban really feels like he needs to concentrate on his team right now.

Meanwhile, much of the world is in outright chaos, the harbingers of war are everywhere, and the U.S. government is performing terribly on the economy, the environment, campaign finance reform, poverty, etc.

But unlike the coach of a football team, Dubya has plenty of time for ritzy dinners. Just like he had time for mountain biking last week.

I see a disconnect between how Bush handles his job and how the rest of us handle ours. It's almost like he isn't one of us, or is somehow a member of a feckless, elite class with little work ethic. Odd.


  • Work ethic, ha. All you have to do is look at Bush's long and superlative performance with the Air National Guard to see his commitment, attention to detail, and integrity.

    By Blogger 481, at 11:35 AM  

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