Highly Agitated

Thursday, July 20, 2006


To me, the most impressive and lamentable cause of recent Repub dominance in the U.S. is the way that conservatives who normally wouldn't speak in the street have united under General Rove's iron fist. Is the honeymoon finally over? Check out this clip, and be ready to hold your ears.

The Fred Phelps fringe bastards are clearly some of the most deranged and nefarious people in the country right now. Yet, Repubs never catch any flak for them. Progressives and liberals are frequently assailed by the right over the isolated actions of destructive animal rights activists and other nutjobs.

But if it's fair to attack the left for PETA, then I want to start seeing Bush linked to madmen on the right like Phelps.

Let's see if we can get some footage of Bush massaging the shoulders of old Fred (and maybe doing a little reach-around; you've gotta suspect that Fred swings that way).

But seriously, is there that much of a difference between the views of Phelps and Bush-buddy James Dobson? I think not. The main difference seems to be that Dobson is not protesting the funerals of U.S. soldiers, which would clearly conflict with Bush's pro-military facade. But in terms of beliefs, is Fred saying anything that James doesn't agree with?

You're right; who cares? Let the nutjobs argue amongst themselves. Nevermind.


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