Highly Agitated

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Projectile mania

Who are the craziest, most culturally destructive people in America? You'd have to consider NRA members as prime candidates.

Interesting juxtaposition of stories recently. Last month in Kentucky, a 3-year-old girl was
shot in the face by a 2-year-old boy. How does a 2-year-old get their hands on a loaded handgun? What's more, why wasn't there a safety on the gun?

Interestingly enough, Congress recently considered the matter of mandatory gun child safety locks.

You know what happened. Our lobby-owned Congress totally caved and
defeated the bill.

No registration, no background checks, no safety locks...is there no end to their depravity? All I want are (1) guns with safety features (2) guns that are inaccessible to criminals. How do these reasonable, common-sense requests seem so outrageous to NRA maniacs?

Oh yeah, that's right...because they are some of the craziest, most culturally destructive people in America.


  • I have a gun. Matter of fact, I have a handgun with no safety switch. It has three safeties, two of them internal, but, if it's got a round in the chamber, all you have to do is pull the trigger. This is to cut down on tactile malfunctions in a heated situation. More, I keep my gun fully loaded with the slide racked and ready at all times.

    This situation is feasible for me. I have no children and I've educated my wife on both gun safety and operation. We've been to the range numerous times, she's fired it and is perfectly capable of handling it safely. The situation would be totally different if we had children in the house. Never mind being a responsible parent; as a self-aware human on this planet whose spine connects to his brain, I can't imagine leaving a loaded, unlocked firearm anywhere a child could get to it. Which, as you parents know, is ANYWHERE you put it.

    We need more mandatory gun safety laws. The NRA cannot continue to absolve hillbillies and Coors drinkers of all responsibility when their unsecured firearms hurt or kill someone. I am in a somewhat unique position to provide criticism of gun supporters nationwide as I am a liberal, Bush-hating, politically active member of the left who also owns a handgun. I am not the sissy, leftist, pinko, Commie flower child who would strip everyone of their beloved Colts and Winchesters; I'm an intelligent person who has chosen to have a firearm for personal defense. More to the point, I understand the responsibilities that come with that, and am willing to do what it takes to keep others safe.

    That old adage "Guns don't kill people, people kill people," is completely inaccurate. Guns do, in fact, kill people. Guns lie wherever we put them and wait to kill people. Without laws designed to ensure higher levels of safety, we can expect gun injuries and fatalities to stay right where they are.

    All that being said, if the data gathered in the book Freakonomics is correct, swimming pools are much more dangerous to children, causing many more deaths per year than handguns.

    By Blogger 481, at 10:34 PM  

  • What's annoys me is that you mention not being a "sissy, leftist, pinko, Commie flower child," as if that's what anyone who favors gun reform is like. But that's the idea that the NRA maniacs have managed to plant in our heads; you have, I have it, everyone in this country has it.

    Truth is, I don't recall there EVER being a push to outlaw or ban guns. Certainly no politician would ever risk such an agenda.

    So who are these commies that want to take away guns? Answer: They don't exist.

    The fact is, anyone who wants to put ANY kind of restriction or responsibility on gun owners is immediately villified as a "sissy, leftist, pinko, Commie flower child" by the paranoid nutjobs of the NRA.

    And it always works. After the Columbine killings, I thought that America might finally be ready to come to its senses. But no.

    And nothing improves because gun supporters are never willing to have an honest conversation. All they do is hurl invective and spread paranoia and disdain of anyone who wants to instil responsibility in gun ownership.

    And they keep winning.

    By Blogger Highly Agitated, at 11:20 AM  

  • I'll tell you what was really hilarious, and, unfortunately, heartbreaking.

    I have a Concealed Deadly Carry permit. I don't carry my gun in day-to-day life but I never wanted to worry about getting pulled over if I was taking it somewhere, dig? So I got the permit so I won't have any trouble. I can put it where I please, wherever I go.

    The course I had to take to earn the permit was the most ridiculous thing I've ever participated in. Stacey had fired a gun once and she could've passed the course swimmingly. I was in a tiny room filled with hillbillies, guaranteed the only Democrat vote there. After the ludricrous course material had been taught we got an impromtu lecture on the NRA. How we should all join because they, in conjunction with the GOP, were assiduously protecting our gun rights.

    Of course, in a room full of armed fucking rednecks, I didn't raise my hand to point out the obvious, which is just as you said: no one has ever threatened to take away America's guns. As perhaps the most powerful lobby out there, what is the NRA worried about? Why do they have to spend so much time filling people's heads with the notion that Big Brother wants their guns?

    They have fought all legislation every step of the way. The Brady Bill, full background checks, waiting periods for handguns, EVERYTHING. They actally defeated the gun fingerprinting bill which would allow forensics to match any bullet with the gun that fired it. When asked why they opposed it, since they purport to be law-abiding Americans and have nothing to fear from a crime scene, their reply was typical:

    American gun-owners shouldn't have to put up with that crap. We have a right to own and use and carry guns and there should be no modifications, restrictions, or capitulations of that God-given right.

    I had sixteen shots in my Glock. I think I could have gotten them.

    (again, General Hayden-kidding about shooting people.)

    By Blogger 481, at 10:30 PM  

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