Highly Agitated

Monday, July 17, 2006

Better study

So a slew of conservative pundits see the writing on the wall; they see the frustration and determination among reasonable people on the left AND in the center, and they are watching it coalesce in the Lieberman-LaMont contest.

And their reaction is predictable: slander the LaMont supporters as far-left moonbats and chastise them for not appreciating a great man like Joe Lieberman.

If Lieberman were running unopposed, do you think these conservatives would be singing paeans to him? Hell no.

Their motivation here is insidious as usual.

Sure, they think Joe is alright since he supports their president and rolls over on command, even attacking his own party when instructed by Rove to do so. (Where was this ferocity during the 2000 election when he was debating Cheney?@!?)

But the real goal of these conservative hacks is the derailing of a strong movement from the left and center to reclaim the country from the criminals and dolts who have led it into its current slum.

If they can portray LaMont supporters (i.e., people who want a positive change in direction) as crazy, then in the fall they’ll be able to castigate ALL Democrat supporters as crazy. It’s disingenuous, it’s hypocritical, and it’s absolutely typical.

So for you future journalists out there, remember these rules:

When conservatives get together in hordes to push for change, they are people of conviction (think Terry Schiavo), even if what they are trying to achieve is utterly illegal under the founding document of the country…that would be the Constitution, for those Republicans reading this.

But when anyone else in the country organizes to push for change, they are moonbats (think Cindy Sheehan, LaMont supporters, war protesters, bloggers, and anyone else who dares so much as to publicly question the Bush).

Quiz next Thursday. Better study.


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