Highly Agitated

Monday, July 03, 2006

Rove Wins Again

Just because I want him to suffer in hell for all eternity for his profligate disregard of truth, unity, and transparency, doesn’t mean that I won’t admit when he’s worked his nefarious magic again.

Remember this: every news story that is NOT about the abysmal conflict in Iraq, NOT about more U.S. troops dying for no reason and with absolutely no end in sight, and NOT about Bush’s utter incompetence is a total victory for Rove.

As Frank Rich aptly pointed out this weekend, the frenzy over the NYT was a manufactured outrage. It was a calculated move by a White House desperate to save its capsizing poll numbers and rally support of its dim-witted, short-tempered, sanctimonious base.

Make no mistake: if the Dems take the house, subpoenas will be issued, investigations will be launched, and the nebulous atrocities of this administration that we only half suspect will come out in their full, Nixonian glory.

Thus, these are dire times for Repubs. Then WANT you to stop talking about Iraq. They WANT you mad at someone other than the president. They WANT to rally the base that has steadily deflated and defected since the 2004 election.


Over here, Purple is rallying people to wake up and resist. I often like to think of myself as the choir to which he is preaching, but I totally fell for this one. There I was last week defending the NYT, as if THAT’S what I should have been talking about. No, I wasn't awake.

It was a manufactured story that captured the nation, rallied the nutwing base, and obstructed all talk of serious issues like the supreme and ongoing mis-steps of this pernicious administration.

When Rove chuckles, he’s earned it. That heartless bastard.

(More about getting your own nutwing base here.)


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