Highly Agitated

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Rubber bands aren't enough

Lieberman's sagging poll numbers strike me as a good omen. His demise can be traced to a grass roots movement of liberal leaning Dems who want change in their party. But the fact that these liberal Dems have been enjoying exponentially increasing success tells me that there are more people reading the news and really paying attention to politics. I find that exciting.

This overthrow of Joe is truly an amazing phenomenon that demonstrates the rising frustrations of many Americans with the Bush administration. I think that Dems everywhere are chomping at the bit to challenge Repubs and topple this terrible administration, and Lieberman is paying the price because he's the only battle that Dems can fight until November.

For the record, I can respect that Lieberman is often conservative and that he supported the Iraq war. But I wish he would simply say, "Agree or disagree, I have to do what I think is right, and I think that invading Iraq was right." Fine. I strongly disagree and think that you are overlooking some important facts, but sure.

But Joe doesn’t stop there. Instead, he provides cover for Bush. When the White House is feeling the heat, they call up good old Joe and he voices his support. When the Senate Dems bring up a measure to get our troops out of this pointless fiasco, Lieberman LEADS the Repubs in disparaging the measure and arguing for endless continued occupation.

Joe, if you have to vote your conscience and break ranks with your party now and then, do it. I respect that. But for crying out loud, DON’T HELP THE OTHER TEAM. Stop providing quotes that belittle your fellow Dems, since you have to know that the media LOVES those internecine shots and will put them in large pull quotes to make the Dems look divided, and thus, weak.

That’s why I want Ned to beat Joe. Lieberman has let down liberals many times. That’s not a surprise. But now that he has turned on the Dem party, his behavior is completely unacceptable.

Even if Joe started wearing rubber bands on his face like Captain Lou Albano, I’d root against him. And that’s saying something.


  • As if the Democrats didn't have enough problems derived from their own terminal wishy-washiness...then we have Joe. The guy that obviously wants to play for the other team (and, for once, I'm not making a homosexual reference).

    His declaration of course, that he will pursue the indie platform if he doesn't win the Democratic nomination, is a move guaranteed to splinter an already fractious voter base. That is, if anyone is dumb enough to fall for it.

    Unfortunately, we know that at least one metric fuck-ton of folks are, in fact, just that dumb.

    Why do it, Joe? Why drive a deeper wedge into a party that needs unity now more than ever? Why run against the Repubs, no matter what, when you echo many of their more deplorable sentiments?

    On the positive side, he won't win the Dem nomination. Nor will he have any real success running separate from them. What he's going to do is pull a Nader. He'll grab some semi-conservative Democratic votes away from the real election, enough to grant the Repubs exactly what they want; continued desultory performance in the public eye.

    A public I'm beginning to believe deserves what's coming. With no real outcry against Bush, no cogent screams for his impeachment (never mind actual jail-time for his nefarious crimes), and pointless milling-about on the Iraq war, it seems the public doesn't really deserve the leadership it craves.

    Alright, you got me. We still deserve Truth, Justice and the American Way. No matter what. We need to pack up our sore pussies and NOT just vote the Dem ticket. We need intelligence and discretion in all upcoming elections. We need a Democratic Party that can prove to a foundering populace that it is worth our time, our confidence, and, ultimately, our votes.

    By Blogger 481, at 11:11 PM  

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