Highly Agitated

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Message

So as Josh discussed in that last link, the Dems just can't find their message, and they don't know how to stop letting Rove dictate not just the argument, but the language and framing of the argument.

Here's my suggestion: Bush's incompetence is no excuse to let more soldiers die.

He has had no plan from the start. Over three years, and he still has no plan.

Worse, this entire campaign has only diverted attention away from fighting terrorism. Remember when we attacked Iraq and Americans were all united and the world supported and respected us? That's how it was. And if we had just focused on fighting terrorism, then we would have captured bin Laden and Mullah Mohammad Omar (leader of the Taliban) and probably dismantled al Qaeda, and we'd still be a respected world leader.

Instead, we've totally destabilized Iraq and created a wonderful breeding ground for terrorists.

Worse yet, by invading a non-threatening sovereign nation, condoning and perpetrating torture, and secretly "rendering" innocent people into secret prisons, we have actually given bin Laden recruiting tools he never could have manufactured on his own. Because now when bin Laden calls the U.S. the great Satan, he some facts on his side.

We did invade a non-threatening sovereign nation, we are condoning and perpetrating torture, and we are using extraordinary rendition (which is the most horrifying cold-war tactic I can think of...particularly when it snatches innocent people away from their families, which is proven to have occurred).

So here are some more slogans for the Dems:
-Let's get back to fighting terrorism
-Let's stop recruiting for bin Laden
-Let's remember that the world looks to us for guidance; do we want to live in a world where military might is wantonly thrown about and torture is deemed acceptable?

Yeah, that last one's too long. It's probably Kerry's favorite...

Anyway, the Dems need to take this fight to Rove. He can't answer these charges. We have no bin Laden or Mullah Omar. Terrorist attacks have increased exponentially since we invaded Iraq, as has terrorism recruiting. We are only undermining our safety.

Perfect example: four years ago, the world would have been aghast about American soldiers being tortured. Now the world shrugs and says, "Turnabout is fair play."

So we've totally ceded the moral high ground thanks to this absurd invasion, and the bodies keep mounting and the terrorists just keep getting more excited, so Bush keeps fighting, and the bodies keep mounting, and the terrorists just keep getting more excited...

Last slogan: Break the cycle of stupidity


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