Highly Agitated

Thursday, June 22, 2006

More Double Standards

And I'm getting really sick of hearing people carp about the Dems not having a plan to get us out of Iraq. Are you kidding me? The Dems didn't get us into this quagmire of quagmires; Bush did. So where is HIS plan? And no, "stay the course" does not count as a freaking plan.

Look, the Dems control NO part of the government; they have no power right now at all. So even if they had a plan, they couldn't do anything about it. Yet the bloody media loves beating them up (led to this idea by Republican talking points, of course) as if this whole thing is their fault (which it is partly, but just a small part for being cowards...the invasion never would have happened if Gore/Kerry were president).

On the contrary, Republicans control EVERYTHING. They could enact a new plan tomorrow if they wanted to. But they don't. Why? Because THEY DON"T HAVE A PLAN!!! For crying out loud, you media patsies. "Stay the course" isn't a plan. Call Bush on it the way you are trying to take the Dems to task.

It's sheer cowardice to attack the pawns when the king is the culprit. Ask Bush for his plan. Ask Frist. Ask Rove and Hastert, Cheney and Rummy. Go ask them.

Then explain to me why the Dems should be ridiculed for not having plan to extricate the US from the biggest political blunder in 30 years. Face it; no one knows how to solve this nightmare of a problem. The problem is too deep and too complicated for any plan to sound good. People are going to die no matter what we do.

But doesn't it make sense to expect more from the persons/party directly responsible for this unmittigated disaster than from Dems?

Doesn't it?


  • The Dems are defeated. Worse, they're defeatists. They push legislation around on their plates, just playing with it, knowing full well it's not going anywhere. The Republicans have backed them into a corner and the Dems are starting to believe the right's rhetoric that they're trapped.

    I agree with you: the media is just jerking the public off when they announce that the Dems "still" don't have a plan. Since they're virtually powerless, it's a worthless argument. I do believe they can start acting like true opposition, though, instead of kids who're already out in dodge ball.

    By Blogger 481, at 1:30 PM  

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