Highly Agitated

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Values Party!!!

So, Repub. Congressman Foley resigned a few days back for emailing and IMing with teenage boys who worked at Congress during the summer. Some of the highlights include him:

+ Asking a kid, "Do I make you a little horny?"
+ Asking a kid, "Did you spank it this weekend yourself?"
+ Asking a kid if he was wearing his boxers and urging him to sit back and "relax" while they chat
+ Asking kids for pictures of themselves

Further, there have been reports that Foley had a known issue with boys since 2001, and possibly since 1998. Fortunately, the Republicans gave the issue the old "Catholic church" treatment and kept the lid on it.

So Bush, the head of the "values party" is surely going to condemn this pervert who has been predating on teenagers, right?


White House Press Secretary Tony Snow went on CNN and said, "... there have been other scandals as you know that have been more than simply naughty emails."

Please, take a second, and IMAGINE if this had been Ted Kennedy or Howard Dean or Barack Obama. Just imagine the fallout, the right-wing screeching, Limbaugh's utter outrage, Coulter's hysterics.

Just imagine. But hey, it's just naughty emails, right?

Ahhh, it's good to be the values party, particularly when you only apply those values to judge other people.

Worthless scum.


  • Hey, I used to be a Congressional page and he didn't show any interest in me at all. What's wrong with me?
    -J. Spots.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:13 AM  

  • Oh yeah! I'm sure there was nothing to all this except for emails and IM's, right? Right?

    By Blogger Forcemaster2000, at 4:51 PM  

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