Highly Agitated

Monday, September 25, 2006

A very big deal

This is a huge deal.

Sunday's NY Times discussed an unreleased government report from the NIE that allegedly claims that the invasion of Iraq has HURT the overall war against terrorism.

(I've been making that argument for quite a long time, and I'm not that bright. So what does it tell you that Bush is still denying it?)

Anyway, Team Bush is denying that the Times accurately portrayed the gist of the report, but they refuse to actually release the report. Hurm...

So tell your friends about this, have them read the Times article, and get people talking about this.

This is definitive governmental proof that Bush has weakened us by his foolish invastion of a non-threatening, harmless country. Feckless fool.


  • True proof in black and white for all of us to see, and our foreign policy is still "GIT R DONE!"

    By Blogger 481, at 8:11 PM  

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