Highly Agitated

Friday, September 15, 2006

If a leader of the Democratic party were found to be a drunk, a supreme liar, and a criminal, don't you think the media would be all over this story? Of course they would, because Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, and the rest of the nutbags would be screaming about it.

But if the man in question is a Republican, then it's best to keep the whole thing fairly quiet.

After all, he's just a nice guy who's fallen on hard times and made some poor choices while being victimized by the liberal media and the lefto-fascists.

Poor guy. No reason to villify him though. I mean, it's not like he had sex with an intern or anything truly horrible.


  • Yeah, he's very sorry for the pain he's caused his family and constituents...or maybe he's just sorry he got caught!

    By Blogger Forcemaster2000, at 1:30 PM  

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