Highly Agitated

Thursday, September 07, 2006


It's started already! The Dems haven't even won the House yet, and they're already counting their chickens and turning into...Tom Delay Republicans!

If you follow the news at all, you have to realize that our democracy has been usurped by big corporations and even bigger money flowing to the politicians. It's why we have such anti-consumer, pro-business policies on:
-the environment
-credit and credit cards
-pharmaceutical drugs
-100 other things

Voters have been totally sold out by politicians in favor of big business interests.

So, with victory looming ahead, are the Dems vowing to end this disgusting habit and revitalize our democracy with tougher campaign laws, more transparency, and less influence of lobbyists?

Hell no! They're asking big business for money ala Delay and Cunningham!

Good grief. Who the hell are the good guys?!?


  • There are no more "good guys", they died out sometime back in the 60's. All we have left are "career politicians", "media-monsters", and "CEO's".

    By Blogger Forcemaster2000, at 5:21 PM  

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