Highly Agitated

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Big, fake Dick

So Dick Cheney is still touring the country admonishing Americans to beware of those who would withdraw our troops from Iraq, thus causing us to lose the war on terror.

Why doesn't the media call him on this and ask him to start naming names? WHO exactly is he speaking of?

I have never heard a Republican declare that we are going to leave our troops in Iraq permanently. So I am assuming that every Republican has an idea of when we will pull troops out. Is Cheney talking about them? Is he pulling a Lieberman and attacking his own party?

Of course not, but the media shouldn't let him make these vague, fear-mongering threats without being more explicit.

And as I've asked before, if this is winning the war on terror, what in bloody hell would losing look like?

It's time that the media start recognizing that this guy is a big, fake Dick.

With the rant over, does anyone remember the hair metal band, Dangerous Toys? They sang a very ridiculous song called "Sportin' a Woody." The pic above would have been the perfect image for the release of the single, no?


  • I don't get it. Is that not that dude's real cock?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:05 PM  

  • Fuckin A, tell it. Cheney and co. do their own shit, like outing Plame. But don't dare question them. Bullshit.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:27 PM  

  • Here here. Cheney speaks loudly but really has a little piece of wood.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:56 PM  

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