Highly Agitated

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Today's Question

Here's a question for you all:

The new Republican talking point is to say that Ned Lamont's victory signals that the Democrats have been taken over by peace-loving terrorist apologists who are NOT dedicated to winning the war on terrorism.

Now for the question:

If we are currently WINNING the war on terrorism, then exactly what would losing look like? Please explain.

The other night I heard someone say that the war in Iraq would be analogous to FDR attacking Mexico after Pearl Harbor. Well put.

The head terrorist (bin Laden) is still free, we're letting Afghanistan erode back into Taliban control, we've created an amazing breeding ground for terrorists by our illegal and unnecessary invasion of Iraq, we've JUSTIFIED some hatred toward America with our policies of torture and extraordinary rendition, we've done nothing since Clinton left office to facilitate peace between Palestine and Israel, and we've weakened our global military strength by dedicating resources to a non-threatening country and depleting our national income until we have enormous, insurmountable deficits.

And that's WINNING?!?@#!@#!@#??

So please, help me understand what losing would look like.


  • Moral authority? Hurm. That sounds vaguely familiar. Like something this country may once have had...

    By Blogger Highly Agitated, at 5:19 PM  

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