Highly Agitated

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Republical football team?

Are the Cincinnati Bengals a Republican football team? The idea struck me only because they are they only collection of people getting arrested with equal frequency.

I really want to like the Bengals, but their drafting and FA signings have been atrocious. And let's not forget that they also just wasted a 3rd round pick in the Supplemental Draft on Ahmad Brooks, who -while in college- failed drug tests and was ultimately kicked off the team for multiple infractions. The coach at Virginia, Al Groh, is a Bill Parcells guy, so you know he values character, which means that Brooks must not have any...making him a perfect Bengal.

It didn't bug me so much when they were just inept. But this new direction of collecting thugs is just bizarre and disappointing, especially for a team that played some great football last year and seemed ready to challege for a title.

If these guys ever end up at the same prison, look out. That's gonna be one hell of an inmate team.

Just to clarify, this drunken boating thing is just silly, and I don't think this guy is a thug. It's just icing on the cake after their recent collection of do-badders.

Don't forget, the Bengals tried to un-draft a guy from Florida St. that they wasted a pick on. Maybe they should have scouted him BEFORE the draft.

If they need $45 to buy some magical draft guides next year, they should call me. I can definitely help them out there, as I know the location of a secret bookstore that sells such tomes.


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