Highly Agitated

Monday, August 14, 2006

Domestic abuse

The other day my wife read a book where someone said, “One child is an accessory; two is a lifestyle.” I think that “lifestyle” is a bit of an understatement.

It’s more of a prison sentence with some Gitmo interrogation techniques thrown in.

My infant definitely treats me like I’m an enemy combatant.

I’m very fond of my toddler, but that might just be victim empathy.

In either case, I definitely feel that my rights have been violated.

I tried to tell my mom on them, but she just laughed, as if I deserve what I'm getting. What gives?


  • totally.. I once had somebody tell me I wasn't REALLY a parent until I had 2 kids... pshaa--- did I not sleep on the floor for a month to transition from family bed to crib? Stand firm. Negative-population-growth, baby.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:57 PM  

  • I hear ya. I've seen my wife sleep on the floor before to make room for the dogs. So you just know the kids are getting priority treatment.

    By Blogger Highly Agitated, at 1:51 PM  

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