Highly Agitated

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

See ya, Rumsfeld!

Henny penny, the sky IS falling on the man who cost so many lives due to his complete bungling of the illegal Iraq invasion.

Have to hand it to Rove: getting all the bad news out of the way at once is definitely the way to do it. Far better than firing Rummy in 2 weeks and and giving the Dems ANOTHER big news day.

Also, it's been about 20 hours since polls closed in my town, and I still haven't seen any video tape of the terrorists partying in the streets.

I realize that they're probably too busy partying there to party here, but still. Where is the celebration?

Also: Hey Northup, don't forget your rubber stamp, you worthless shill.

Finally, now that the Rove/Delay coalition of the evil is disbanded, will many Republicans go back to being fairly sensible (if not greedy) like they were under Bush 41???


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